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  • No contact book. List of KNOTS with their readability status. (green=reachable light orange=NOT reachable) always available.
  • Symmetric encryption key per knots pair.
  • Ephemeral OTP One Time Password, key used once and never again. Ephemeral, i.e., deleted after each message exchange.
  • Self-referencing client/server pair, impossible to mix. Each default Server/Client pair works. If mixed they stop working.
  • Initially defined closed membership group. It will no longer be possible to retrospectively add extra knots
  • Messages are available only in RAM memory. They are removed when the Client PC is turned off. Optional saving can be done at user’s demand.
  • Scheduled update of user/node connectivity via config page.
  • Messages exit queue management for each user in the group
  • Checking the remaining availability status of the OTP key for each known node.
  • Automatic removal of encrypted message each time it passes through the sending chain to the recipient
  • Server with only transport role no message decryption

Knot as set of Hw and Sw part you need for build up Encrypted Message