EncPriMes Software
Description of Main Functions Performed
- No contact book. List of KNOTS with their readability status. (green=reachable light orange=NOT reachable) always available.
- Symmetric encryption key per knots pair.
- Ephemeral OTP One Time Password, key used once and never again. Ephemeral, i.e., deleted after each message exchange.
- Self-referencing client/server pair, impossible to mix. Each default Server/Client pair works. If mixed they stop working.
- Initially defined closed membership group. It will no longer be possible to retrospectively add extra knots
- Messages are available only in RAM memory. They are removed when the Client PC is turned off. Optional saving can be done at user’s demand.
- Scheduled update of user/node connectivity via config page.
- Messages exit queue management for each user in the group
- Checking the remaining availability status of the OTP key for each known node.
- Automatic removal of encrypted message each time it passes through the sending chain to the recipient
- Server with only transport role no message decryption
Knot as set of Hw and Sw part you need for build up Encrypted Message
The Knot is a set of Hw and Sw.
In the Knot, Hardware of (1) Client and (2) Server work together for the final result. The Client composes and encrypts the messages, the Server delivers them. The Client can’t be reached from the Internet, thus preventing hacker attacks.
Software with simple and clean interface. It lets you communicate with your correspondents in total anonymous and secure mode.